Brandon "BiZY" Botten
Void.4 by Brandon "BiZY" Botten  Image: "Embracing negative space."

Piece #4 of the Void series.

My most technical series of paintings to date. 
"Void" is a study of the negative space that surrounds the most basic of objects, highlighting not the object itself, but rather the space it takes up in the composition. 
Featured in "Void4" are two non-circles equidistant from the centre of the frame, with slightly different shades of background. The auras appear to be radiating from two different circles, when in all actuality, there are no circles at all.
"Embracing negative space." Piece #4 of the Void series. My most technical series of paintings to date. "Void" is a study of the negative space that surrounds the most basic of objects, highlighting not the object itself, but rather the space it takes up in the composition. Featured in "Void4" are two non-circles equidistant from the centre of the frame, with slightly different shades of background. The auras appear to be radiating from two different circles, when in all actuality, there are no circles at all.
  • Subject Matter: Landscape
  • Created: February 14, 2022
  • Inventory Number: 000038
  • Collections: VOiD