Brandon "BiZY" Botten
Incantations by Brandon "BiZY" Botten  Image: This collage-style piece is straight out of one of my old sketchbooks. Faces within faces, patterns and pictures overlapping each other, fighting for your attention. The approach to this piece I took was laid-back, spur of the moment inspiration. I didn't overthink anything, and had no issues covering up sections of the canvas I had previously spent hours on.

Incantations can be defined as "a series of words said as a magic spell or charm." 
In regards to this painting, Incantations is the title because each and every element, colour, and concept comes together to form something magic.

Completed on 3/22/2022 
16" X 20"
This collage-style piece is straight out of one of my old sketchbooks. Faces within faces, patterns and pictures overlapping each other, fighting for your attention. The approach to this piece I took was laid-back, spur of the moment inspiration. I didn't overthink anything, and had no issues covering up sections of the canvas I had previously spent hours on. Incantations can be defined as "a series of words said as a magic spell or charm." In regards to this painting, Incantations is the title because each and every element, colour, and concept comes together to form something magic. Completed on 3/22/2022 16" X 20"


  • Acrylic, Spray Paint, Ink, Graphite, Magazine Clippings, Masking Tape and Oil-Based Paint Markers on Canvas.
  • 20 x 16 in
    (50.8 x 40.64 cm)
  • Brandon "BiZY" Botten
  • Available
  • Subject Matter: Landscape
  • Created: March 22, 2022
  • Inventory Number: 000045
  • Collections: BiZY '22