Brandon "BiZY" Botten
Riding the Waves of Time by Brandon "BiZY" Botten  Image: "The tides of time will go on with or without you; 
But it is much more fun to ride the waves, 
Than watch them slowly fade away..." 

My first canvas of the new year, kicking off the BiZY'22 collection with a piece reflecting on the cyclical nature of time. A new year, yet a familiar month, season, and painting. 
"Infinite Jest" written in the top-left corner of this piece refers to the book by David Foster Wallace. An infamously dense, detailed work of fiction that I pulled much inspiration from when creating this piece. Entertainment, consumerism, the cosmos, mathematics and pure chaos are found in both the pages of this book, and in the paint on the composite slate before you.

31.5" X 21.5"
"The tides of time will go on with or without you; But it is much more fun to ride the waves, Than watch them slowly fade away..." -be My first canvas of the new year, kicking off the BiZY'22 collection with a piece reflecting on the cyclical nature of time. A new year, yet a familiar month, season, and painting. "Infinite Jest" written in the top-left corner of this piece refers to the book by David Foster Wallace. An infamously dense, detailed work of fiction that I pulled much inspiration from when creating this piece. Entertainment, consumerism, the cosmos, mathematics and pure chaos are found in both the pages of this book, and in the paint on the composite slate before you. 31.5" X 21.5"

Riding the Waves of Time

  • Acrylic, Airbrush, Oil-based Paint Markers, Pumice Gel, Sharpies and Ink on Composite.
  • 21.5 x 31.5 x 1 in
    (54.61 x 80.01 x 2.54 cm)
  • Brandon "BiZY" Botten
  • Available
  • Subject Matter: Landscape
  • Created: January 23, 2022
  • Inventory Number: 000037
  • Collections: BiZY '22