Abstracted by Susan Detroy  Image: "Abstracted" is one of three large pieces in my expansive project that emerged from my personal journey in aging.  As well as including the themes of the larger project of images, "Abstracted“ also encompasses ideas about disorientation and thought processing. Portrait of a Woman” began in 2016 as I continue creating pieces.
"Abstracted" is one of three large pieces in my expansive project that emerged from my personal journey in aging. As well as including the themes of the larger project of images, "Abstracted“ also encompasses ideas about disorientation and thought processing. Portrait of a Woman” began in 2016 as I continue creating pieces.
  • Subject Matter: Portrait of a Woman Series
  • Created: c. 2019
  • Inventory Number: Abstracted - POAW - Canvas #42
  • Current Location: Studio Susan Detroy