Judith Monroe
Temple of God by Judith Monroe  Image: When I was first looking at the sermon calendar to try to figure out when I should paint, this particular weekend was standing out to me but I couldn’t see an image that I thought was appropriate. At our live painters’ meeting I had read the scripture, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, and the fill in the blank that said “Our bodies belong to the Lord,” and the only thing that came to my mind was anatomical hearts. It didn’t make any sense to me but I couldn’t shake it and decided to just give it more time to meditate and pray and see what happened. Then, driving back home from the meeting, Spirit reminded me that part of the scripture said that our bodies are the temple of God and that his Spirit lived in our hearts, the true temple. Suddenly the image of the anatomical hearts made sense. In this image I added botanical elements, as a reference to the botanical elements that God told the artisans to include in the original temple.
When I was first looking at the sermon calendar to try to figure out when I should paint, this particular weekend was standing out to me but I couldn’t see an image that I thought was appropriate. At our live painters’ meeting I had read the scripture, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, and the fill in the blank that said “Our bodies belong to the Lord,” and the only thing that came to my mind was anatomical hearts. It didn’t make any sense to me but I couldn’t shake it and decided to just give it more time to meditate and pray and see what happened. Then, driving back home from the meeting, Spirit reminded me that part of the scripture said that our bodies are the temple of God and that his Spirit lived in our hearts, the true temple. Suddenly the image of the anatomical hearts made sense. In this image I added botanical elements, as a reference to the botanical elements that God told the artisans to include in the original temple.

Temple of God

  • Photo transfer, acrylic, color pencil, wax pastel, ephemera & dried pressed wildflower on canvas
  • 48 x 36 x 1.5 in
    (121.92 x 91.44 x 3.81 cm)
  • $3,600
  • Judith Monroe

Collection: Live Paintings x