Brandon "BiZY" Botten
Fear and Loathing by Brandon "BiZY" Botten  Image: The title comes from the works of Hunter S. Thompson. I was reading a lot of his books in the winter of 2020. It isn't the first or the last time this year where books or songs heavily inspire the work I create. I also began studying Japanese Calligraphy around this time.
The title comes from the works of Hunter S. Thompson. I was reading a lot of his books in the winter of 2020. It isn't the first or the last time this year where books or songs heavily inspire the work I create. I also began studying Japanese Calligraphy around this time.

Collection: BiZY '21 x

  • Subject Matter: Landscape
  • Created: c. February 2021
  • Inventory Number: 000021
  • Collections: BiZY '21