Brandon "BiZY" Botten
Before Its Too Late by Brandon "BiZY" Botten  Image: A quick watercolour painting reflecting on what to do with your life before time runs out. The quotes on the top are about taking charge, standing up and leading your life how you see fit, before somebody you don't agree with tells you how you should live for you.

The 3 Quotes are:

"The greatest penalty for refusing to rule is to be ruled by somebody inferior to yourself" -Plato 
"A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance." -Hunter S. Thompson 
"Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its struggles, it only empties today of its strength." -be
A quick watercolour painting reflecting on what to do with your life before time runs out. The quotes on the top are about taking charge, standing up and leading your life how you see fit, before somebody you don't agree with tells you how you should live for you. The 3 Quotes are: "The greatest penalty for refusing to rule is to be ruled by somebody inferior to yourself" -Plato "A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance." -Hunter S. Thompson "Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its struggles, it only empties today of its strength." -be

Collection: BiZY '21 x

  • Subject Matter: Landscape
  • Created: March 2021
  • Inventory Number: 000028
  • Collections: BiZY '21