Brandon "BiZY" Botten
Bad Hair Day by Brandon "BiZY" Botten  Image: A bad hair day is something most of us have been through, many of us deal with it often. Whether we could care less, are under-slept, or just do not have enough time in the morning, every body goes through a bad hair day differently. 
For me and my long unruly hair, a bad hair-day is commonplace. Even more so because I am fortunate to have a job where I don't necessarily need to appear the most "presentable" appearance.
A bad hair day is something most of us have been through, many of us deal with it often. Whether we could care less, are under-slept, or just do not have enough time in the morning, every body goes through a bad hair day differently. For me and my long unruly hair, a bad hair-day is commonplace. Even more so because I am fortunate to have a job where I don't necessarily need to appear the most "presentable" appearance.
  • Subject Matter: Portrait
  • Created: October 07, 2023
  • Inventory Number: 000068