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Artist calls for entry

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April 5, 2024

Minnesota State Arts Board Creative Individuals

  • Submission Deadline: April 5, 2024
  • Award Info: The maximum grant amount is $10,000; the minimum grant award is $2,000. No matching funds are required. Creative Individuals grants are flexible, to allow grantees to continue or expand their creative practices and connect with community. This program exists to support artists and culture bearers as they sustain their artistic practices and maintain their connections to Minnesota residents and communities. The program’s intended outcome is: Artists and culture bearers engage Minnesotans in their creative practice.
  • Type: Grants & Fellowships
  • Eligibility: National
  • Categories: Craft/Traditional Arts, Photography, Drawing, Film/Video/New Media, Mixed-Media/Multi-Discipline, Painting, Sculpture
  • Location: Saint Paul, MN 55104, United States

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