Peony Phantasy by Sheryl's Virtual Garden  Image: I was overjoyed on a recent garden visit to find some big, beautiful, bodacious peonies.  This two toned specimen was absolutely Phantastic, hence the name Phantastic Peony.  I took some painterly liberties with this one while also recoloring the background to enhance the phantastic-ness of the blossom.  This one will be phantastic on canvas due to the painterly effects and texture.
I was overjoyed on a recent garden visit to find some big, beautiful, bodacious peonies. This two toned specimen was absolutely Phantastic, hence the name Phantastic Peony. I took some painterly liberties with this one while also recoloring the background to enhance the phantastic-ness of the blossom. This one will be phantastic on canvas due to the painterly effects and texture.
  • Subject Matter: Floral