Linnea Martina  Hannigan

Calming Lines

Calming Lines

Calming Lines

Calming lines for me these days for me...

Like all, things are weird and surreal! The only thing that seems to be meditative for me is drawing lines. I'm not sure what they will become or were they will go but I'm thinking putting them out there to be colouring pages and once a series has been made may be released for sale.

During this crisis… it’s also important to keep sight of the fact that we are all going through this pandemic as a global tribe...united by this virus. I hope the world is better for it! I believe as a artist I have the tools to stay home and be mentally active, keep my hands busy and even so it's hard!

To everyone stay safe, stay home, be there for your loved ones as it may not be physically close but close.

Line drawings will be released only after a series is complete, Message me if you’d like your own drawing and I’ll put you on the list for the pre release date...