Tears of Black Folk by Dellis Frank  Image: Black folk have been shedding unprovoked tears for over 400 years. Who wouldn’t shed tears after being ripped from the only land and home they knew? Who wouldn’t shed tears after being forced to change their identity, and work for no pay from sunup to sundown? Who wouldn’t shed tears being raped and then having your child ripped away from you? Who wouldn’t shed tears knowing you cannot protect your family because they were sold down the road? Who wouldn’t shed tears knowing laws were specifically created to “keep you in your place?” Who wouldn’t shed tears when the country you fought for doesn’t love you back? Who wouldn’t shed tears when your very skin closes doors to every path to success? I could go on and on, but I think you understand why these tears are so large and never ending.
Black folk have been shedding unprovoked tears for over 400 years. Who wouldn’t shed tears after being ripped from the only land and home they knew? Who wouldn’t shed tears after being forced to change their identity, and work for no pay from sunup to sundown? Who wouldn’t shed tears being raped and then having your child ripped away from you? Who wouldn’t shed tears knowing you cannot protect your family because they were sold down the road? Who wouldn’t shed tears knowing laws were specifically created to “keep you in your place?” Who wouldn’t shed tears when the country you fought for doesn’t love you back? Who wouldn’t shed tears when your very skin closes doors to every path to success? I could go on and on, but I think you understand why these tears are so large and never ending.

Collection: Social Justice / Commentary x