Black Phoenix by Dellis Frank  Image: The simplest version of the myth of the phoenix is that of a long-lived bird that regenerates or is born again by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. Also being associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life rather than just dying and fading away. This was the inspiration for my piece “Black Phoenix”. The communities of Black people have endured many hardships, systemic racism, and trauma, but instead of being destroyed by all that injustice time and time again, what emerges is a better, stronger, smarter, more beautiful rebirth. A transformation. It is not complete until that transformation happens for the whole community. Although it seems as though the drama is never ending for BIPOC, as with the phoenix this community will rise to the beautiful resilience that lies within.
The simplest version of the myth of the phoenix is that of a long-lived bird that regenerates or is born again by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. Also being associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life rather than just dying and fading away. This was the inspiration for my piece “Black Phoenix”. The communities of Black people have endured many hardships, systemic racism, and trauma, but instead of being destroyed by all that injustice time and time again, what emerges is a better, stronger, smarter, more beautiful rebirth. A transformation. It is not complete until that transformation happens for the whole community. Although it seems as though the drama is never ending for BIPOC, as with the phoenix this community will rise to the beautiful resilience that lies within.

Collection: Social Justice / Commentary x