Black Lives Matter by Dellis Frank  Image: By now these three words have taken on different meanings to so many people. It is seen as a joke to the bigoted racists that don’t see Black people as anything other than animals to be treated as though they should not even exist. It is seen as a sound bite to politicians that want our vote to keep them in power only to forget these people once those said politicians are safely where they want to be. It is seen as a moneymaking endeavor to those that have the foresight to capitalize. But WE are not a monolith. We have different values, concerns, beliefs, socioeconomic status, education, and dreams just like everyone else. We are not saying our lives are more important than anyone else’s. We are saying we matter just like you matter. We matter when we are shopping. We matter when we are going to church. We matter when we seek medical assistance.  We matter when we call for help from the police. Black lives matter just as much as your does.
By now these three words have taken on different meanings to so many people. It is seen as a joke to the bigoted racists that don’t see Black people as anything other than animals to be treated as though they should not even exist. It is seen as a sound bite to politicians that want our vote to keep them in power only to forget these people once those said politicians are safely where they want to be. It is seen as a moneymaking endeavor to those that have the foresight to capitalize. But WE are not a monolith. We have different values, concerns, beliefs, socioeconomic status, education, and dreams just like everyone else. We are not saying our lives are more important than anyone else’s. We are saying we matter just like you matter. We matter when we are shopping. We matter when we are going to church. We matter when we seek medical assistance. We matter when we call for help from the police. Black lives matter just as much as your does.

Collection: Social Justice / Commentary x