Confide by Dasha Pears  Image: There’s a whole world of us that no one else knows, a cord that binds us together and threads through our veins. The notes we pass in secret and the whispers only our ears hear will be forever ours.

Siblings share an unspoken trust that no one else - not even their parents - can enter. They confide in one another and entrust their innermost thoughts to each other, unaware of the protective barrier they build around themselves. It’s a beautiful bond that cannot be described with words, and even a parent cannot fathom the inner workings of the secrets their children share.
There’s a whole world of us that no one else knows, a cord that binds us together and threads through our veins. The notes we pass in secret and the whispers only our ears hear will be forever ours. Siblings share an unspoken trust that no one else - not even their parents - can enter. They confide in one another and entrust their innermost thoughts to each other, unaware of the protective barrier they build around themselves. It’s a beautiful bond that cannot be described with words, and even a parent cannot fathom the inner workings of the secrets their children share.

Collection: 2020 - Stuck With You x

  • Subject Matter: portrait
  • Created: 2020
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store
  • Reproductions: Available
  • Collections: 2020 - Stuck With You

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