Grounding by Dasha Pears  Image: You steady my restless thoughts,
And you calm my wild, untamed heart.
When my feet lift off the ground, I feel the softness of your hands pull me back to the start. I think, perhaps, without you, I would be lost in the clouds.
But you plant me.
You firmly root me in the soil.
You are my grounding.

It’s a beautiful thing, having someone know you so well that they are able to catch you before you drift, before your feet even lift from the ground. Siblings often catch each other when they fall and hold on to one another before one takes flight. They have the ability to balance eachother out and keep eachother firmly grounded. All of us need to be brought back down to earth sometimes, and having someone that knows us so well - someone who can balance us out when our mind runs wild - is a gift we must cherish.
You steady my restless thoughts, And you calm my wild, untamed heart. When my feet lift off the ground, I feel the softness of your hands pull me back to the start. I think, perhaps, without you, I would be lost in the clouds. But you plant me. You firmly root me in the soil. You are my grounding. It’s a beautiful thing, having someone know you so well that they are able to catch you before you drift, before your feet even lift from the ground. Siblings often catch each other when they fall and hold on to one another before one takes flight. They have the ability to balance eachother out and keep eachother firmly grounded. All of us need to be brought back down to earth sometimes, and having someone that knows us so well - someone who can balance us out when our mind runs wild - is a gift we must cherish.
  • Subject Matter: portrait
  • Created: 2020
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store
  • Collections: 2020 - Stuck With You