Canon In D Major – Pachelbel  Image: She wakes with the morning, her eyes glacially opening as the light seeps through the curtains. And as the breeze flows softly through the windows of a rose-hazed room, she gracefully ascends, the softness of the satin sheets falling against her skin.

It’s a quiet morning; only the sound of birds and the gentle whisper of the air surround her as she paces up to the windowpane, ready to embrace a brand-new day—a brand-new start to life."
She wakes with the morning, her eyes glacially opening as the light seeps through the curtains. And as the breeze flows softly through the windows of a rose-hazed room, she gracefully ascends, the softness of the satin sheets falling against her skin. It’s a quiet morning; only the sound of birds and the gentle whisper of the air surround her as she paces up to the windowpane, ready to embrace a brand-new day—a brand-new start to life."
  • Subject Matter: portrait
  • Created: 2019
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store
  • Collections: 2019 - Imagine Music