Arrival of The Birds & Transformation – The Cinematic Orchestra by Dasha Pears  Image: With her heart in her throat, she runs with the crashing waves beside her, the dark clouds cascading upon her skin as her bare feet barely meet the sand. Does she run away from a past of heartbreak? Is it the depths of her unimaginable nightmares that break away from her skin as she runs with the wind?

Unsure of what pains her and unaware of the darkness that unravels behind her, she tumbles forward into the life she so desperately craves. A life full of clear skies, bright rays of sunlight, and a calmness of heart. She runs toward it, almost embracing it, as her unbearable past is left behind."
With her heart in her throat, she runs with the crashing waves beside her, the dark clouds cascading upon her skin as her bare feet barely meet the sand. Does she run away from a past of heartbreak? Is it the depths of her unimaginable nightmares that break away from her skin as she runs with the wind? Unsure of what pains her and unaware of the darkness that unravels behind her, she tumbles forward into the life she so desperately craves. A life full of clear skies, bright rays of sunlight, and a calmness of heart. She runs toward it, almost embracing it, as her unbearable past is left behind."
  • Subject Matter: portrait
  • Created: 2019
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store
  • Collections: 2019 - Imagine Music