jazz_in_F7 by Dan Terry  Image: Jazz in F7 is an early Dan Terry work that became on the overriding themes of much of his work since, that of musicians as they are interpreted in color palettes implied by specific musical key signatures. F7 has an overall bright warm color tone with accents (from the 7th) that emerge as greens with blue undertones. The musician series is also identified with lost & found edges merging into abstract wave forms mirroring the emotional tone of the specific genre. The design in this representing jazz is freeflowing, interlocking arches of color with contrasting sharp counterpoints in the design representing and feeling much like improvisation and surprise. The original work is long gone, likely destroyed in the San Marcos flood of 1984. But like almost all of Dan's work he had taken high resolution professional photographs of the work for archival and documentary purposes even back then, making it possible to issue reproductions of the original work.
Jazz in F7 is an early Dan Terry work that became on the overriding themes of much of his work since, that of musicians as they are interpreted in color palettes implied by specific musical key signatures. F7 has an overall bright warm color tone with accents (from the 7th) that emerge as greens with blue undertones. The musician series is also identified with lost & found edges merging into abstract wave forms mirroring the emotional tone of the specific genre. The design in this representing jazz is freeflowing, interlocking arches of color with contrasting sharp counterpoints in the design representing and feeling much like improvisation and surprise. The original work is long gone, likely destroyed in the San Marcos flood of 1984. But like almost all of Dan's work he had taken high resolution professional photographs of the work for archival and documentary purposes even back then, making it possible to issue reproductions of the original work.