W.S. Cranmore

Weekly journal- March 10, 2023

An ongoing journal of the ups and downs of a working artist

Weekly journal- March 10, 2023

Friday, Mar 10:

  • my first journal post was received pretty well.  Got quite a few comments, including one person who wished to tell me “art journals” have been done before.  I love it when folks look out for me.
  • I have 3 works in progress going.  Two of them are being video recorded as I create them.  I posted one as a reel on Instagram and it has close to 8k views.  That’s pretty cool.
  • Had an idea for a line of stickers and maybe prints called “Culprit”.  Knowing me though, It’s going to be another one of those “when I find the time” ideas.
  • I was able to connect with a couple galleries I admire.  Hopefully I can build a bridge to future opportunities.  I think I’ve done more submissions and introductory emails so far this year than all my previous years combined.  Meanwhile, the gallery I spoke about last week still hasn’t replied to my inquiry.
  • I got my painting that’s going to a MI exhibition ready to ship.  I’m excited about this exhibition because it’s a new gallery and location for me.  I’m really hoping the painting will sell and open up a few doors.
  • I spent time catching up on studio tasks. framed a couple paintings, managed to get a couple sealed, cleaned up my work area, and still did quite bit of painting.
  • Still no inquiries or sales.  I think this is the longest stretch of time without a sale.  New record so to speak.
  • My overall mood this week has been pretty optimistic.  Not everything has gone as planned, but I generally feel better about the ongoing process than I have for awhile.  I should start writing down my ideas, though.  I have some good ones but then forget them.  Like an idea I have for a painting giveaway.  But I’m not going to advertise the giveaway, I’m just going to mention it in the text of some future post, just to see if anyone actually reads them.