W.S. Cranmore

Weekly Art Journal

What’s it like being a working artist? A weekly account of the ups and downs of art and promotion.

Weekly Art Journal

Friday, Mar. 3:

  - Decided to start a weekly(ish) journal relating to my art and promotion.  I think it’ll be a good way to get an overall view of how and where I spend my time.

- General daily routine, wake up, feed the dog, do some online promotion while Kara gets ready for work, take her to the train station, come home, do some more promotion while daughter gets ready for school, answer emails after she leaves, maybe make a post on social media sites, send out email(s) to galleries, go out to the garage and paint for an hour and a half, get ready and go to part time job.

  - This week I received a rejection email from a gallery I didn’t submit work to.  That’s a first.

  - I sent a follow up email to a gallery I really want to represent my art.  So far they haven’t responded at all.  

  - Got an email inquiring about doing an album cover for their band.  They later emailed back to say they went with someone else.

  -  I received the usual amount of spam/phishing emails posing as art inquiries.

  -  working on three works in progress.  Spent a lot of time on the largest piece.  It seems to be connecting with me the most lately.

  - Received some very kind words from folks on Facebook and Instagram.  Very grateful for that, been wondering a little lately if I’m reaching anyone.

  -  Got an acceptance email for a group exhibition in my birth state of MI.  Looks like a great show.  Got to get my artwork prepped for shipment.

  - Weather has been very cold all week and last.  Haven’t been able to paint as much as I want to.  Frustrating.

  -  I think the constant promotion and stress involved with it affects my creativity and painting.  Sometimes it feels like an uphill battle, other times the work flows like a clear creek on a sunny day.

  - Running out of space in the garage for the paintings.  Need to consider a storage unit.  Maybe put older works in there?

  - No sales this week.