W.S. Cranmore

Hi, I’m W.S. Cranmore

Poised at the edge of 2022

Hi, I’m W.S. Cranmore

Hello and welcome to my new online base of operations. For those of you who are not familiar with me or my work, let me introduce myself. First off, my artist name is W.S. Cranmore, that stands for William Skot Cranmore. But, I would be very happy if you just call me skOt. I was born and raised in Flint, MI and have always been involved in creative ventures since I was little. Playing in bands, making logos for friends, screenprinting, etc. I even started my own music company specializing in Celtic music.

I’ve been living in Portland OR now since 1997. I got involved in painting around 2012 when my wife Kara gifted me a acrylic paint starter kit. It had 12 paints, some brushes, and 3 small canvas boards. To be honest, I didn’t think I was going to use it much. But, I had just recently left my music company to my business partner and I wasn’t doing too much to keep myself occupied. Long story short, I painted those canvas boards and then bought a larger stretched canvas. I liked the solitude painting provided. It was the first creative outlet that allowed me to relax and journey inward. Soon I was buying more supplies and devoting more time to creating art. I loved the fact that all the internal images, memories, experiences, and thoughts gave inspiration to what I was painting. Nothing ever connected with me in that capacity before.

when I first began selling art I was floored. I honestly couldn’t believe that my art connected with people so much that they wanted to own it. All I was doing was putting my thoughts on canvas! Slowly but surely others began to find me, and then something big happened. My musical hero, Elvis Costello contacted me to inquire about a painting. It’s a story for a later blog, but I will tell you now that when he acquired my painting, recognition for my work catapulted.

so, going into 2022, the theme is “organization”. That’s where this new profile on Artwork Archive comes in. It will be the central hub for all things art. Folks will be able to browse art, inquire, purchase, etc. There will be exclusives, first looks, blog postings, news, info, and more. In fact, I will let you in on an exclusive right here right now- I have a 6 painting art series called “Glass Song” coming in early 2022 and it’s a game changer for my art. It truly represents and new phase in my art. Details coming soon. Keep checking this blog because this is where you’ll hear it first. In the meantime, if you ever have a comment or question about my art or me, please feel free to ask. I love a good conversation. Once again, welcome everyone! This is a new start and we are going to have fun.

skOt, Dec 16, 2021