Growing in the Light of Love  Image: This painting is about the "roots and stems” in our lives that push us up higher and higher to reach and embrace the Glory. Our roots = our beginnings,(where we were born, the foundation of our lives, the people around us that influence us and encourage us, the Written Word ) can often be so twisted and tangled, frightening and discouraging. We have rocks to grow around and poor barren soil to discourage us. Yet each of us as been given our perfect beginnings, no matter how rough. Our roots, no matter how difficult. abused and battered, are guided and help us be strong  and then, growing stems to reach the sky). Starting as little seeds ( babies ) we naturally grow toward the Light. Out of the darkness we stretch and find our way. That is what is planned for us. Each of us is a wild flower. We have the freedom to choose our directions.
This painting is about the "roots and stems” in our lives that push us up higher and higher to reach and embrace the Glory. Our roots = our beginnings,(where we were born, the foundation of our lives, the people around us that influence us and encourage us, the Written Word ) can often be so twisted and tangled, frightening and discouraging. We have rocks to grow around and poor barren soil to discourage us. Yet each of us as been given our perfect beginnings, no matter how rough. Our roots, no matter how difficult. abused and battered, are guided and help us be strong and then, growing stems to reach the sky). Starting as little seeds ( babies ) we naturally grow toward the Light. Out of the darkness we stretch and find our way. That is what is planned for us. Each of us is a wild flower. We have the freedom to choose our directions.

Collection: Abstract Landscape x