Nila Jane Autry
Oop's, it's Me  Image: Well, I painted this is about 1977. The model had a big nose so I fixed it, her eyes were brown, I made them blue. Her lips were thin, I made them fuller, and then I made her hair longer and softer. She had it pulled back in a tight bun. I gave it to my parents as a was the effort of a beginner for sure!
Well, I painted this is about 1977. The model had a big nose so I fixed it, her eyes were brown, I made them blue. Her lips were thin, I made them fuller, and then I made her hair longer and softer. She had it pulled back in a tight bun. I gave it to my parents as a was the effort of a beginner for sure!

Collection: Portraits x

  • Subject Matter: Portrait
  • Created: 1977
  • Current Location: Home is where the Art is
  • Collections: Portraits