Nila Jane Autry
Gentle Savior by Nila Jane Autry  Image: My models are my beautiful niece Vanessa, he husband Kalob and their first born child Malachi. I've wanted to do this type of image for a long time.  I love my Savior. Painting him as an infant is less intimidating than I thought it would be, it helps it's just his little head!
My models are my beautiful niece Vanessa, he husband Kalob and their first born child Malachi. I've wanted to do this type of image for a long time. I love my Savior. Painting him as an infant is less intimidating than I thought it would be, it helps it's just his little head!
  • Subject Matter: Portrait
  • Created: 2018
  • Current Location: Home is where the Art is
  • Collections: Portraits