Nila Jane Autry
It Rained While I Painted the Cosmos and the Ladybug by Nila Jane Autry  Image: Currently I'm working on a Pollinator series...could it be because I've been invited to do a one woman show at the Red Butte Gardens this summer?  This cute little piece was begun en plein air at my friends garden, and yes it began to rain.  My watercolor friend packed up her stuff immediately, but I reasoned that I was painting in Oils so it wouldn't hurt...Loved the texture created by rain on my background so I did my best to preserve it.
Currently I'm working on a Pollinator series...could it be because I've been invited to do a one woman show at the Red Butte Gardens this summer? This cute little piece was begun en plein air at my friends garden, and yes it began to rain. My watercolor friend packed up her stuff immediately, but I reasoned that I was painting in Oils so it wouldn't hurt...Loved the texture created by rain on my background so I did my best to preserve it.

Collection: Florals x

  • Subject Matter: Plein Air Floral
  • Created: October 2023
  • Current Location: Home is where the Art is
  • Collections: Florals