Miriam Traher
She Planted A Garden by Miriam Traher  Image: I love peonies.  The colours, the dense petals, the burst of colour in the springish garden.  My daughter wanted them for her August bouquet, and I picked and wrapped them, keeping them fresh for two months and taking up valuable space in the beer fridge.  I then came across this luscious coral rootstock.  I planted and babied this root, and last spring, three years later, I was rewarded with my first blooms, the inspiration for these beauties.
I love peonies. The colours, the dense petals, the burst of colour in the springish garden. My daughter wanted them for her August bouquet, and I picked and wrapped them, keeping them fresh for two months and taking up valuable space in the beer fridge. I then came across this luscious coral rootstock. I planted and babied this root, and last spring, three years later, I was rewarded with my first blooms, the inspiration for these beauties.

Collection: Small work under 20 inches x