Miriam Traher
S2282 by Miriam Traher  Image: Flowers make my heart sing.  Having an essential place in my life, as a young girl at my mom's feet.  Watching her create beautiful arrangements, playing with the broken and discarded pieces on the ground I found as my treasures. to owning my own home, building and shaping my gardens and flower beds.  Flowers are woven into my life. I love painting them, bringing the outside inside.  All year round. I am constantly filling various pots and vases,  picked from my garden or the ditch, with equal pleasure.
Flowers make my heart sing. Having an essential place in my life, as a young girl at my mom's feet. Watching her create beautiful arrangements, playing with the broken and discarded pieces on the ground I found as my treasures. to owning my own home, building and shaping my gardens and flower beds. Flowers are woven into my life. I love painting them, bringing the outside inside. All year round. I am constantly filling various pots and vases, picked from my garden or the ditch, with equal pleasure.

Collection: Abstract Landscape x