Miriam Traher
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Miriam Traher  Image: Living in Haliburton, the ditch was full of daisies, and my memories of my summer days as a child with no severe agenda were full of making daisy headpieces.  As I got older and boys became silly, it was about pulling the petals, giggling as if he" loved me" was important.   A bright white daisy full of child innocent, fun, spontaneity and honesty always makes me smile?
Living in Haliburton, the ditch was full of daisies, and my memories of my summer days as a child with no severe agenda were full of making daisy headpieces. As I got older and boys became silly, it was about pulling the petals, giggling as if he" loved me" was important. A bright white daisy full of child innocent, fun, spontaneity and honesty always makes me smile?