Miriam Traher
Can We Get On With It by Miriam Traher  Image: As you step closer to the artwork, you are immediately drawn into a world of intricate details and textures. The surface of the canvas is a tapestry of markings and collaged elements, each telling its own story. Bold black shapes dance across the predominantly white background, creating a sense of rhythm and movement. 

Gestural marks and scribbled lines continue to add a dynamic energy to the composition, guiding your eye from one corner to the next. Blocks of paint and collaged pieces form a patchwork of colors and textures, inviting you to explore the layers of material that give the artwork its depth. 

There is a sense of balance in the composition, a delicate interplay between areas of activity and moments of calm. I invite  you to  immerse yourself in the artwork, exploring the diverse elements, balanced into a harmonious whole. It is a piece that invites contemplation, a visual journey that promises new discoveries with each viewing. A place to rest, embrace the present and follow our hearts.
As you step closer to the artwork, you are immediately drawn into a world of intricate details and textures. The surface of the canvas is a tapestry of markings and collaged elements, each telling its own story. Bold black shapes dance across the predominantly white background, creating a sense of rhythm and movement. Gestural marks and scribbled lines continue to add a dynamic energy to the composition, guiding your eye from one corner to the next. Blocks of paint and collaged pieces form a patchwork of colors and textures, inviting you to explore the layers of material that give the artwork its depth. There is a sense of balance in the composition, a delicate interplay between areas of activity and moments of calm. I invite you to immerse yourself in the artwork, exploring the diverse elements, balanced into a harmonious whole. It is a piece that invites contemplation, a visual journey that promises new discoveries with each viewing. A place to rest, embrace the present and follow our hearts.

Collection: White Collection x