Mary Kamerer Impressionist Painting
Looking Glass Falls by Mary Kamerer Impressionist Painting  Image: Painting waterfalls is a challenge for me. There are so many colors in the water—warm blues, cool blues, grays, greens. And your mind is saying, “It’s flowing WATER! Add white and paint in verticals!” That’s really hard to ignore. I want to capture the liveliness of the water, see the nuances of depth and rhythm.
Grabbing my trusty palette knife, I mixed some rather dark grays and violets. Going in horizontal direction, I added dark to the left side. At last, the water began to “thin” and the rock behind the water began to show.
Painting waterfalls is a challenge for me. There are so many colors in the water—warm blues, cool blues, grays, greens. And your mind is saying, “It’s flowing WATER! Add white and paint in verticals!” That’s really hard to ignore. I want to capture the liveliness of the water, see the nuances of depth and rhythm. Grabbing my trusty palette knife, I mixed some rather dark grays and violets. Going in horizontal direction, I added dark to the left side. At last, the water began to “thin” and the rock behind the water began to show.