Katy Cauker

922-Under the Tree Umbrella of Leaves Fall Color

Spreads sunlight through the leaves flickering in light wind high in the tree tops.

922-Under the Tree Umbrella of Leaves Fall Color

*see Profile page for full image

I’ve been meeting another painter one day a week to paint in Lithia Park. There’s are wild places scattered throughout the but especially above the the Upper Duck Pond. The naturally formed Ashland Creek meanders there with boulders breaking the flow and sunlight streaming through the trees. On this particular day I was feeling less energetic and painted from my car as it sat among the trees with the creek not far to one side. I love a few of the large deciduous trees there. This one must spread its canopy 40 to 60 feet over head mingling with others that rise to the heights. It’s difficult to gauge but cars and people are like ants scurrying at its feet. I feel protected under its sparking light and it’s warm and quiet in my van. Midge is bundled up along the creek looking upstream where there’s a bend. I can see her lost in the painting problems, intense in her focus. It’s late October the air is cool and crisp with the many shades of green sparked by reds, oranges, and yellows. It’s a fleeting moment between extremes.