Katy Cauker

919- Whispers

Charcoal drawing of two heads. Sometimes drawings just spring to life… more

919- Whispers

They are like dreams that appear from elsewhere, known yet unknown. I love charcoal for it’s fluid expressive nature. I’ve been drawing from a clay bust by sculptor Jeffery Bernard. It is on loan to me. I knew back in the day and admired his abilities as sculptor. I remember when he visited residential homes for the elderly and did a series of bust of the people he met, this one left to a close friend after Jeffery’s death. She is a peaceful presence in my studio and reminds me of my Grandmother and her friends. No longer physically beautiful but calm and accepting of the aging process.

I use her face as a jumping off point to explore many variations possible around the consistent underlying basic construction the skull, and my ability to alter the angles and view point. The resulting images are part imaginative, arising from my unconscious mind like the images in dreams.