Katy Cauker

756- Attitude - TV Musings

Pen and ink drawings done while watching TV though the imagery may be from a sculpture in our living room or one on the set or completely imagined.

756- Attitude - TV Musings

Drawings begin as a line, a mark is made to open the way to find the desired image. Once a mark is made every mark after that relates to it forming a chain of recognizable or abstract imagery.

Thé TV Musing series are images that develop through the random selection of images that I notice as I watch the story developments or are selected from the room I’m sitting in.

Once I’ve chosen the starting image it is developed based on what I saw, then what I remember of what I saw, then imagination. I let the images appear and disappear on the screen as they relate to the story and enjoy the challenge of remembering adequate details and creating where I lack visual information yo chose from. It’s a relaxing game I play when my life prevents me from having adequate time in the studio for more dedicated work.