(E)Merging  Image: (E)Merging was installed in a group show “Touching without Touch” at the Hive Art Community in Brooklyn in 2020.  Created from tied-on warp ends that are scrap ends once a larger piece is completed, I took the discarded warp threads and merged them by hand.  Inspired by artists who create form out of discarded materials, I reconsider the value of these otherwise scrap threads through the act of care inherent in joining them together.  The warp ends converge as disparate articles of refuse and join into a beautiful alliance.
(E)Merging was installed in a group show “Touching without Touch” at the Hive Art Community in Brooklyn in 2020.  Created from tied-on warp ends that are scrap ends once a larger piece is completed, I took the discarded warp threads and merged them by hand.  Inspired by artists who create form out of discarded materials, I reconsider the value of these otherwise scrap threads through the act of care inherent in joining them together.  The warp ends converge as disparate articles of refuse and join into a beautiful alliance.

Collection: Tapestries x