"Sad Goodbye"  Image: I finger painted this piece during the AIDS crisis which was relentlessly desecrating wonderful people all over the World. I was losing many friends! This is an emotional portrait of a man with whom I worked, in Dallas, and whom I watched waste away. This is an homage to him. This figure has his eyes closed and arms crossed as if in death.
I finger painted this piece during the AIDS crisis which was relentlessly desecrating wonderful people all over the World. I was losing many friends! This is an emotional portrait of a man with whom I worked, in Dallas, and whom I watched waste away. This is an homage to him. This figure has his eyes closed and arms crossed as if in death.

Collection: Acrylic on Canvas x

  • Subject Matter: Portrait
  • Created: c. 1994
  • Inventory Number: KKW1994PTARC-1
  • Collections: Acrylic on Canvas