"Little Babe"  Image: One beautiful evening, recently, my brother and I were wandering the colorful streets of West Hollywood, when we spied this happy family havin’ lunch at a noisy Falafel joint! 
This little one threw a morsel of his lettuce—and hastened a playful (inevitable) food fight with Daddy! Giggling ensued!!!
One beautiful evening, recently, my brother and I were wandering the colorful streets of West Hollywood, when we spied this happy family havin’ lunch at a noisy Falafel joint! This little one threw a morsel of his lettuce—and hastened a playful (inevitable) food fight with Daddy! Giggling ensued!!!
  • Subject Matter: Portrait
  • Created: 2019
  • Inventory Number: KKW2019PTAC-2
  • Collections: Acrylic on Canvas