Heather Duris

Welcome to my Artwork Archive page!


Welcome to my Artwork Archive page. I am brand new to this platform, so bear with me as I learn how to navigate it and all of its handy tools. In 2022 I decided to put focused energy toward growing my fine art career, and had a very productive year with two outdoor art shows and several group and solo shows in my town. One of my biggest challenges as an artist is balancing family and a career, as is the case with a lot of artists. I also manage two Etsy shops, designing and making personalized jewelry, but am now turning my focus to painting and making linocut prints. Part of growing an art career is getting the art out there! And these days, not just in person, but online. So platforms like this one help me get my "product" out to more people. I'll be adding more items and will post updates as my page grows. Follow me on FB and IG for the latest quick updates. Prints of my work are available for purchase on GeoGalleries.com/Hduris

Thanks for reading!

