Whisper by Dasha Pears  Image: It’s only natural to get tipped out of balance by a faint whisper we hear deep inside of us. That whisper is also part of us, and there’s a reason it wants our attention. It may be tempting us to do something wild, or it may be bringing something up from our past. Either way, it’s difficult to know which voice to listen to and which voice to ignore. All that we can do is go with the voice that sounds the most like us, the voice that amplifies our intuition.
It’s only natural to get tipped out of balance by a faint whisper we hear deep inside of us. That whisper is also part of us, and there’s a reason it wants our attention. It may be tempting us to do something wild, or it may be bringing something up from our past. Either way, it’s difficult to know which voice to listen to and which voice to ignore. All that we can do is go with the voice that sounds the most like us, the voice that amplifies our intuition.
  • Subject Matter: portrait
  • Created: 2017
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store
  • Collections: 2016 - Me and Myself