The Pea by Dasha Pears  Image: The ‘’real” thing can only be found in the world if you take action: search, compete, fight, conquer and test, can’t it? It never just “comes” to you, does it? The idea of “luck” and “destiny” are tricky ones, because we always want to be in control of our own fate. Yet, many things in life are not up to us to decide. A princess can just show up at your door long after you gave up all the hope to find your happiness. We often forget that the absolute control makes surprise disappear. If you knew everything that would happen to you in advance, would you really want to live such a life?
The ‘’real” thing can only be found in the world if you take action: search, compete, fight, conquer and test, can’t it? It never just “comes” to you, does it? The idea of “luck” and “destiny” are tricky ones, because we always want to be in control of our own fate. Yet, many things in life are not up to us to decide. A princess can just show up at your door long after you gave up all the hope to find your happiness. We often forget that the absolute control makes surprise disappear. If you knew everything that would happen to you in advance, would you really want to live such a life?