Struggle by Dasha Pears  Image: I became interested in working with origami birds because of their simplicity and symbolism. They are fragile and easy to break, at the same time a bird usually perceived as a symbol of freedom, passion, endurance, and imagination, to say nothing about happiness. That's why I love exploring this symbol in multiple situations and various combinations of locations, colors, models, and shapes. I'm also always fascinated by the topic of the duality of many things in the world. We are able to understand some notions, only because they have opposites, like sound and silence, light and darkness. I don't like to label those opposites as good or bad, I believe that it's all the matter of the perspective of the person who is perceiving them. Often, we are a combination of many opposites and are one in the end.
I became interested in working with origami birds because of their simplicity and symbolism. They are fragile and easy to break, at the same time a bird usually perceived as a symbol of freedom, passion, endurance, and imagination, to say nothing about happiness. That's why I love exploring this symbol in multiple situations and various combinations of locations, colors, models, and shapes. I'm also always fascinated by the topic of the duality of many things in the world. We are able to understand some notions, only because they have opposites, like sound and silence, light and darkness. I don't like to label those opposites as good or bad, I believe that it's all the matter of the perspective of the person who is perceiving them. Often, we are a combination of many opposites and are one in the end.
  • Subject Matter: portrait, origami
  • Created: 2019
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store
  • Collections: 2019-2023- Resistance