Polka Dot by Dasha Pears  Image: Infinity represents something that is boundless or endless, or else something that is larger than any real or natural number. What if you multiply infinity by its reflection, add the white to the black? It gets even more entertaining then.

This artwork was created in a collaboration with another photographer and self-portrait artist, known as Kutovakika.
Infinity represents something that is boundless or endless, or else something that is larger than any real or natural number. What if you multiply infinity by its reflection, add the white to the black? It gets even more entertaining then. This artwork was created in a collaboration with another photographer and self-portrait artist, known as Kutovakika.
  • Subject Matter: portrait
  • Created: 2018
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store
  • Reproductions: Available
  • Collections: Black and White