My Future Self by Dasha Pears  Image: You in 3, 5, 10 years from now is a radically different person from who you are today. You haven't met yet, but you can already try to make friends and see the world from that "future you" perspective. Of course, you won't be accurate, but it might help you see a bit clearer when your path in a labyrinth of life gets cloudy.
You in 3, 5, 10 years from now is a radically different person from who you are today. You haven't met yet, but you can already try to make friends and see the world from that "future you" perspective. Of course, you won't be accurate, but it might help you see a bit clearer when your path in a labyrinth of life gets cloudy.
  • Subject Matter: portrait
  • Created: 2021
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store
  • Collections: 2021 - Wandering