Minutes Go By by Dasha Pears  Image: Haven’t we all waited for that one, right moment to say something? That perfect time to do what we always wanted? Our fantasies may tell us that there is such a moment, but in reality that’s rarely true. And as we wait passively, the boats pass us by going to places where we’ve always wanted to go. Truth is, any time is a good time to jump in at the deep end. We can only explore if we leave the safety of the shore behind. Any time is a good time to begin.
Haven’t we all waited for that one, right moment to say something? That perfect time to do what we always wanted? Our fantasies may tell us that there is such a moment, but in reality that’s rarely true. And as we wait passively, the boats pass us by going to places where we’ve always wanted to go. Truth is, any time is a good time to jump in at the deep end. We can only explore if we leave the safety of the shore behind. Any time is a good time to begin.

Collection: 2017 - Life Of Folds x