Inseparable by Dasha Pears  Image: There’s no other way to describe it. We are like one flesh, always together, giggling, dancing, crying. We share all of these precious moments, and they draw us closer. There’s just no other way of saying it. But we are one. Inseparable.

When two grow together, an invisible cord is drawn. They share the same lives, laughs, and tears, creating a fuse stronger than any glue. Their laughter harmonizes like a birdsong, and the patter of their feet play the drums as they skip to the kitchen table together. Always together, very rarely apart. And if ever apart, they yearn for the hour they meet, as if they have not seen each other in years.
There’s no other way to describe it. We are like one flesh, always together, giggling, dancing, crying. We share all of these precious moments, and they draw us closer. There’s just no other way of saying it. But we are one. Inseparable. When two grow together, an invisible cord is drawn. They share the same lives, laughs, and tears, creating a fuse stronger than any glue. Their laughter harmonizes like a birdsong, and the patter of their feet play the drums as they skip to the kitchen table together. Always together, very rarely apart. And if ever apart, they yearn for the hour they meet, as if they have not seen each other in years.

Collection: Favorites x

  • Subject Matter: portrait
  • Created: 2020
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store
  • Reproductions: Available
  • Collections: 2020 - Stuck With You, Favorites