Hot & Cold by Dasha Pears  Image: Have you ever tried separating the poles of a magnet? Have just a positive or just a negative pole in one part? It's not possible in real life. Everything has two sides and we can't just have the good without the bad, happy without sad, hot without cold. Our lives would be incomplete and unbearable. Change and variety, opposites and uncertainly: those are things that make life worth living.
Have you ever tried separating the poles of a magnet? Have just a positive or just a negative pole in one part? It's not possible in real life. Everything has two sides and we can't just have the good without the bad, happy without sad, hot without cold. Our lives would be incomplete and unbearable. Change and variety, opposites and uncertainly: those are things that make life worth living.
  • Subject Matter: portrait
  • Created: April 2022
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store