Don't Know What To Wear by Dasha Pears  Image: Piles of clothes that we’ve never used - as we open up the wardrobe they pour onto us. ‘What should I wear?’ - we ask, as a variety of fabric stares back at us. We’re afraid that unless we look perfect, people will think less of us. Minutes, maybe hours pass by until we finally make our choice. With a bit of courage we could be done in seconds, and still be ourselves. Adding up the hours we spend on picking outfits, we would get a few vacation days. All that fabric soaking up our precious time. Are your clothes wearing you out?
Piles of clothes that we’ve never used - as we open up the wardrobe they pour onto us. ‘What should I wear?’ - we ask, as a variety of fabric stares back at us. We’re afraid that unless we look perfect, people will think less of us. Minutes, maybe hours pass by until we finally make our choice. With a bit of courage we could be done in seconds, and still be ourselves. Adding up the hours we spend on picking outfits, we would get a few vacation days. All that fabric soaking up our precious time. Are your clothes wearing you out?