Connection by Dasha Pears  Image: She never felt lonely from that very moment. She knew that she was a part of something bigger and brighter. Something that will never stop amazing her, nourishing her and protecting her in a way, but also challenging her at times. It was both scary and exciting.

The photograph was taken in Tallinn, Estonia. In a magical place, a roofless church. The message behind this work is that even in the coldest of times there's always a glimpse of new fresh beginnings.
She never felt lonely from that very moment. She knew that she was a part of something bigger and brighter. Something that will never stop amazing her, nourishing her and protecting her in a way, but also challenging her at times. It was both scary and exciting. The photograph was taken in Tallinn, Estonia. In a magical place, a roofless church. The message behind this work is that even in the coldest of times there's always a glimpse of new fresh beginnings.
  • Subject Matter: portrait
  • Created: 2018
  • Current Location: Dasha Pears Web Store