Coralina Rodriguez Meyer
Arpillera Americanx * Cunt Quilt (Power) by Coralina Rodriguez Meyer  Image: Arpillera Americanx Cunt Quilt (Power) in Beyond the Bedcovers exhibition at AIR Gallery NYC 2018
Arpillera Americanx Cunt Quilt (Power) in Beyond the Bedcovers exhibition at AIR Gallery NYC 2018

Arpillera Americanx * Cunt Quilt (Power)

  • worn out women's underwear sewn on stained, Queen sized bedsheet, Birchwood stitch hoop, Brass knuckles bolt
  • 86 x 62 x 4 in
    (218.44 x 157.48 x 10.16 cm)
  • Coralina Rodriguez Meyer

Collection: Arpilleras Americanxs x