Bridget Bradley

Dimensional - The Art Collection

New Abstract Art Series Coming Soon!

Dimensional - The Art Collection


Dimensional an art collection, exploring the visual concepts of time dimensions. There is much debate about time itself. What is it? Was it invented by humans or is it always there?

Each painting has unique layers of acrylic paint, the layers representing how time can be cut into chunks. I wanted to show what might happen if we moulded time to our advantage literally, in a visual sense. This art series also explores multiple time dimensions. To show my concept of multiple time dimensions, I have intentionally created a painting underneath the top layer and added more layers.

The art series consists of 11 paintings on canvas in bold colours and patterns, with unique marking, under paintings and layers of paint. The above image is a snapshot from Dimensional, one of my abstract expressionism works in this art series.

Please feel free to enquire using the Contact form at my website.

Bridget x

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